Photo by @LeeEverett/Fine Line
Sat., October 19, 2024,
$35 per set;
Doors Open: 7:30 pm,
1st Set: 8 pm.
2nd Set: 9:30 pm.
Sistas’ Place, 456 Nostrand Avenue, Frederick Douglass Square (formerly Nostrand & Jefferson Avs.), where Jazz: A Music of the Spirit Lives and Culture is our Weapon, is in its 30th year with the music of Resistance, Resilience, and Resurgence. Sistas’ Place is a Historic Landmark Institution!
On Saturday, October 19, 2024, Sistas’ Place proudly presents Winard Harper.
Reservations are a must for guaranteed seating — call (718) 398-1766 to reserve $30 tickets (no credit card required). Walk-in tickets are $35 and first come, first served.
Photo of Winard Harper by Lee Everett, Fine Line.