Sat., November 18, 2017,
Two sets 9 & 10:30 pm,
$20 with advance reservation –
call (718) 398-1766; $25 at door.
Sistas’ Place, 456 Nostrand Avenue, at the corner of Jefferson Avenue, where Jazz: A Music of the Spirit Lives and Culture is our Weapon, continues its 22nd season with the music of Resistance, Resilience and Resurgence. On Saturday, November 18th at 9 and 10:30pm, bassist Kenny Davis, who has played at our venue on numerous occasions throughout the years, will debut as the leader of his own ensemble. Mr. Davis’ ensemble includes the master trumpeter/and flugelhorn player Jimmy Owens, as well as a couple of musicians who are new to Sistas’ Place, pianist Luciano Minetti and drummer Francesco Ciniglio.
Don’t Miss This!!!
Music of the Spirit will sustain you through the challenging times we are experiencing.
Make Reservations at 718 398-1766!