Sat., March 16, 2019,
Two sets 9 & 10:30 pm,
$20 with advance reservation –
call (718) 398-1766 or $25 at door.
Sistas’ Place, 456 Nostrand Avenue, at the corner of Jefferson Avenue, where Jazz: A Music of the Spirit Lives and Culture is our Weapon, continues its 23rd season with the music of Resistance, Resilience and Resurgence.
On Saturday, March 16, at 9 and 10: 30 pm, multi-percussionist Camile Gainer Jones leads a band that features trumpeter Sharif Kales, saxophonist Chris Hemingway, bassist Lonnie Plaxico, and pianist Keith Brown. This series, titled Phenomenal African Sistas in our History celebrated by Phenomenal Present Day African Sistas, honors the Queen of Africa, Miriam Makeba, this Saturday. Ms. Jones, leading a band for the first time at Sistas’ Place, has organized a band of exceptional musicians for the occasion. Don’t Miss This!
Make Reservations at (718) 398-1766!